two dental problems. my wisdom teeth were crowding my mouth and it hurt a lot, and i had knocked one of my lower right molars loose. i needed these fixed and had no money, so i asked my parents for help, expecting them to give me a hard time, so i gave a preamble about needing to address some things. before getting to explain what i actually needed done, they went on some rant about how media or thought spiralling or something tricked me into needing this and that they wouldn’t help me.

i got upset and pointed out i knew this would happen hence the preamble. through hindered speech i tried to ask them why are they keeping me from this necessary live saving operation, and they cited a number of made up or inconsequential reasons why they refuse to support me. things like some fraction of wisdom teeth removals going wrong.

i became a mess and belligerent and tried to get access to dental care through some other means. when i was being driven around by my mom at some point, i heard her side of a phone conversation and determined she was trying to send me to some kind of disciplinary program, and i immediately got out of the car. in some sort of grocery store, i stated that you asked me if i resented you once and i definitely completely resent you now. i got as far away from her as i could after that.

theme shifts. huge mazelike walking simulator environment in some sort of weird doll city, it’s super cute. at some point i was chilling in a room with some friends playing electric instruments when one of their parents walks through holding a big old crystal and looking totally adventurer, and they told us about how they just summited a mountain and collected it from the top when we noticed it was interfering with a contact mic and made a super cool sound, and we could totally control it and play it like an instrument. we played some drones with it through the hizumitas pedal.