
today is the autumn equinox!

i felt great this morning. it’s very comfy today. i ‘messed up’ my morning coffee a little bit and it turned out really really good. i totally overslept and didn’t need to, i forgot that i had school today, and stayed in bed until 10 and speedran my morning cause i have to get out the house at 12:30.

[ ragamuffin light roasted ethiopia kayon mountain natural process beans, 12g grounds at 19 clicks in timemore c2, using a v60 with the hoffmann method targeting 200ml brew water but overshot by 16ml in the second phase ]

stats class was miserable today and totally killed my mood. two hours straight of wholly unegaging lecture that you simultaenously cannot disengage from otherwise you fail. literally how most vertabrata become senile. being required to take a math class as part of a degree is unironically a human rights abuse.