
patche and i went to one of our friends birthday parties today. we surprised them with a friend who flew in from out of state that we did not announce the arrival of and having them jump out of a box while wearing a spiked collar holding a phone showing a video of some gay porn star wishing them happy birthday. patche and i didnt know that like the extended family of his extended family was there, with numerous liches and their tiny demon children and that the only thing that there actually was to do was drink alcohol which seemed horribly unpleasant to me in this context so we went home and played with blood

i was a little out of practice with sticking patche cause it had been a few days and the last time i tried i got three failed sticks in a row (and the latter two of those were bad, too) but today went pretty well!! it definitely wasnt my best but the stick itself was perfect and painless and left no trauma afterwards. i think i undershot the vein a little bit though and wasn’t able to successfully correct for it, i couldn’t tell in the moment if i was feeling resistance on the plunger or not (in retrospect i definitely did) and i accidentally slipped out after drawing around 2ml because i was so focused on looking at the gradations of the syringe. if i knew they i undershot and didn’t overshot i would’ve been able to correct for this and had a perfect draw but i’m not super great at telling where the needle is once it’s in yet

result of todays research: very little blood will get you lots and lots of mileage when used as body paint!!!

finally, while i was making flashcards for the next group of species i had to learn for my taxonomy class, i learned about genus gallicolumba (bleeding-heart doves, family columbidae) and started crying they are so cute omg